Breaking up is hard to do
This is the hardest post I’ve written yet. I think it is number 62. When we finally made it back to Florida, we knew it was the end of the road for Happy Together. Well, not Happy Together, but at least our Leopard 48. The last hundred miles was the toughest. We had a great day sailing with a beautiful sunset and we knew that the next day would be filled with preparations to unload the boat. Some people say the best days of boat ownership are the day you buy it and the day you sell it, but not for real boaters. For those it’s every day in between. The days of unloading were melancholy but also filled with excitement because in almost every case of unloading we talked about where it would go on the new boat. However, the new boat seemed like a year away since it wasn’t even out of the factory yet.
The next chapter
As I write this we have just returned from South Africa and we have test-sailed our Leopard 50, so the sadness of saying goodbye to our 48 is being buoyed with the excitement of receiving the 50 very soon. At the Miami boat show this past weekend we met hundreds of our YouTube followers and everyone was reminiscing about watching our adventures for the past 3 1/2 years and what it meant to them. All in all, that page of our life is turning, and we will continue filming an entirely new set of adventures in the coming months as we prepare to depart for the World Arc Rally in January 2020. Lots of people asked us if that was the end of our YouTube channel and I assure you it isn’t. It’s a ton of work but after hearing how much the fans enjoy it Lennie and I are as motivated as ever to share the purchase, outfitting, and cruising of our new Leopard.
Please enjoy this last video on our Leopard 48 and the end to season five. Season six is around the corner…..
Randy I would have kept the sweater also!